New Magic Lantern Journal

Apparatus for scientific demonstration

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Type of text:  Reprint

Author:  WRIGHT, Lewis  (1838-1905)

Contained in:  The new magic lantern journal: volume 2 number 1 (January 1981), pp.4-6

Main subjects:

  Subjects:    magic lantern – techniques of use
      magic lantern – uses – educational
      magic lantern – uses – scientific demonstration
      slides – tank
  Hardware:     Biunial lantern
       Duboscq lantern (scientific demonstration lantern)
       Electric arc light
       Lantern microscope
       Scientific demonstration lantern
       Triunial or triple lantern
       Vertical projection lantern (scientific demonstration lantern)
  People:    BROWNING, John  (c.1831-1925)
      CARPENTER, William Lant, B.A., B.Sc., F.C.S. &c.  (1841-1890)
      DUBOSCQ, Jules  (1817-1886)
      HAWKRIDGE, Samuel  (1841-1902)
      LADD   ( ? - ? )
      MORTON, Professor   ( ? - ? )
  Organisations:    Gilchrist Educational Trust
      Newton & Co.
      The Royal Institution

Other references:

  People:    BEECHEY, Canon St Vincent  (1806-1899)
  Organisations:    Stöhrer

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This item is copyright © 1981-2024, Lewis Wright and the Magic Lantern Society, but is made available to download free of charge for any legal non-commercial purpose. If you have any questions about using this item please Contact us.

If you use information from this item in any published form, please acknowledge the source using the following (or an equivalent) citation style:

‘Apparatus for scientific demonstration’ in The new magic lantern journal: volume 2 number 1 (January 1981), pp.4-6. Reproduced by courtesy of the Magic Lantern Society,, accessed 3 July 2024.


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