New Magic Lantern Journal

Some English magic lantern patents

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Type of text:  Article

Author:  HECHT, Hermann  (1923-1985)

Contained in:  The new magic lantern journal: volume 2 number 2 (January 1982), pp.2-7


  Subjects:    creative arts – photography – daguerreotypes
      magic lantern – history – technical development
      magic lantern – technical descriptions
      magic lantern – uses – ghost shows
      magic lantern – uses – phantasmagoria
      patents – magic lantern
  Hardware:     Automatic slide changer
       Coin-operated lantern
       Double lantern
       Film-strip projector
       Keevil lantern (biunial lantern)
       Magic lantern roundabout
       Moving panorama
       Opaque lantern
       Outdoor projection lantern
       Photographic enlarging lantern
       Rotary disc lantern
       Searchlight lantern
       Slide pointer
       Vertical projection lantern (scientific demonstration lantern)
       Wunderkamera (opaque lantern)
  People:    ADAMS, W.P.  (fl.1880s)
      ALLEN, S.W.  (fl.1890s)
      ARMSTRONG, A.W.  (fl.1880s)
      BEECHEY, Canon St Vincent  (1806-1899)
      BOND, H.  (fl.1880s)
      BROMLEY, J.  (fl.1880s)
      BUZBY, Albert G.  (1835-1897)
      CHASSERAUX, Emile  (fl.1890s)
      DUBOSCQ, Jules  (1817-1886)
      DUNCAN, W.H.  (c.1830- in/after 1901)
      EVANS, Mortimer  (c.1850-1921)
      FOURNET, Auguste  (fl.1860s)
      FRIESE-GREENE, William  (1855-1921)
      GRAVELL, D.  (fl.1890s)
      HUGHES, A.  (fl.1880s)
      KEY, J.T.  (fl.1880s)
      KLODT, Franz Heinrich  (fl.1890s)
      LACOMME, J.M.A.  (c.1833- in/after 1903)
      LEFEVRE, H.-A.  (fl.1860s-70s)
      LIEBERT, Alphonse  (fl.1860s)
      MADDER, Miles  (fl.1830s)
      MARCY, L.J.  (fl.1860s-80s)
      NADAUD, Octave  (fl.1860s)
      NEWTON, Herbert  (1859-1940)
      PHILIPSTAHL, Paul de  ( ? -c.1829)
      POTTER, E.T.  (fl.1880s)
      ROOTS, J.  (fl.1880s)
      SIMPSON, H.  (fl.1890s)
      SPARKHALL, E.  (fl.1850s)
      VAN MONCKHOVEN, Désiré  (1834-1882)
      WOODBURY, Walter B.  (1834-1885)
      WOODWARD, David A.  (fl.1850s)
      ZAHN, Johannes  (1641-1707)
  Organisations:    A. Krüss
      Archer & Sons
      Chadburn & Sons
      J.H. Steward
      Newton & Co.
      Royal Polytechnic Institution
      W.C. Hughes

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‘Some English magic lantern patents’ in The new magic lantern journal: volume 2 number 2 (January 1982), pp.2-7. Reproduced by courtesy of the Magic Lantern Society,, accessed 3 July 2024.


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