
Currently available publications

The Magic Lantern Dancer

£25.00 (£20.00 to MLS members)

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The Temple of Minerva

£25.00 (£20.00 to MLS members)

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Realms of Light

£25.00 (£20.00 to MLS members)

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£20.00 (£15.00 to MLS members)

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Eadweard Muybridge

£20.00 (£15.00 to MLS members)

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Theodore Brown’s Magic Pictures

£20.00 (£15.00 to MLS members)

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Servants of Light

£15.00 (£10.00 to MLS members)

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Dutch Perspectives


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Incomparable Testot!

£7.50 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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Industry, Liberty, and a Vision

£7.50 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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Industry, Liberty, and a Vision

£20.00 (£15.00 to MLS members)

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For Ladies Only?

£7.50 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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When the Movies Began

£7.50 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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Dr Paris’s Thaumatrope

£7.50 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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Victorian Film Catalogues

£7.50 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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From Magic Lantern to Movies

£15.00 (£10.00 to MLS members)

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Bamforth Slide Catalogue

£15.00 (£10.00 to MLS members)

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Lantern Image supplement 1

£3.00 (£2.00 to MLS members)

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Lantern Image supplement 2

£3.00 (£2.00 to MLS members)

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New Magic Lantern Journal 6

£10.00 (£5.00 to MLS members)

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New Magic Lantern Journal 7

£10.00 (£5.00 to MLS members)

image of publication