Lantern and Slide Catalogues
Most lantern and slide manufacturers and dealers issued catalogues of their wares from time to time. These texts are now quite rare (they were never intended to last for more than a few years), but give a rich source of information on what was available to the amateur or professional lanternist.
The MLS Library includes a varied selection (currently 66 items) of PDF copies of these texts. These have been copied from originals in the collections of Society members, particularly the wonderful Martin Gilbert Collection. MLS members have free access to PDF copies of all items – sign in to the Members’ Area using your username and password.
If you have any questions, or if you can let us have a copy of any catalogues not already in the Library, we would be glad to hear from you – but please Contact us to discuss the technical requirements before you copy or send anything.
Conditions of Use of the Catalogues Library.
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