Readings Library

The Society’s Readings Library project, launched in 1995, collects copies of surviving readings and sheet music. The Library currently comprises 3,069 items.

Search for a reading

Access to the Library

Society members can download PDF copies of all items in the Library free of charge, using their member’s username and password – search or browse for the reading you want and follow the links (some online copies are not yet ready, but can be added quickly).

For any other information about ordering copies please Contact us

Adding to the Library

If you have any readings or songs not already in the Library and can let us have a copy, we would be glad to hear from you – but before you copy or send anything, please contact us.


Some items in the Readings Library include terms which are now considered racially offensive. The Magic Lantern Society does not support or approve of such attitudes, and the inclusion of this material is simply a verbatim reproduction of text from a different historical period.

Front cover of typical reading pamphlet