French ornate lanterns
A wide variety of styles exist of which the below is only a small representative sample.
Reproduced by kind permission from the 2003 Christie's of London auction catalogue of the John Finney Collection of Magic Lanterns.
Lampadophore Lantern, Lapierre, France
Perfectionnée Lampascope Lantern, Aubert, France
Salon Lantern, Lapierre, France
Salon Lantern, Lapierre, France, metal body with polychrome decoration
Chinoise Lantern, Lapierre, France, metal body with polychrome decoration
Medaillon Lantern, Lapierre, France, polychrome decoration
Lanternes Carrés, Lapierre, France, polychrome decoration
Polychrome Lampascope Lantern, Aubert, France
Lanternes Carrés, Lapierre, France